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School LIbrary


Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Catalysis



We are always looking for talented and committed researchers - regardless of backgrounds - to join our team.

(1) Ph.D. positions are now available! We are actively pursuing graduate students who are interested in research areas including organic synthesis, molecular catalysis, inorganic chemistry, and computational modeling

"Prospective graduate students are encouraged to contact Seung Youn via email ( as soon as possible."

(2) We are currently recruiting undergraduate students for internship programs. If you are interested in working with our team, please feel free to reach out to Seung Youn directly.

(3) We have an exceptional opportunity to support the postdoctoral stay of outstanding researchers starting at the beginning of this year as a part of LAMP. While this fellowship is open to domestic postocs only, we`re also considering international postdoc if you are self-funded. If you are interested in doing your research on the SNU campus, please contact me with CV, research summary,  and two references.


홍승윤 교수 연구실은 2022년 8월에 서울대학교 화학부에서 시작한 젊고 활발한 연구팀으로, 전이 금속과 전형 원소를 상호보완적으로 활용해 유기화학에서 널리 확립된 반응성, 선택성 그리고 합성적 가능성을 뒤집을 수 있는 “분자 촉매” 개발을 목표하고 있습니다.

합성유기화학, 물리유기화학, 무기합성, 계산화학 등 다학제간 연구 기법을 바탕으로 최적화된 촉매의 구조를 예측 및 합성하고, 이를 통해 유기화학 분야의 난제를 풀어나가고자 합니다. 

​현재 우리 연구실에서는 함께할 (1) 대학원생(매년 1-3 명) (2) 학부생 그리고 (3) 박사후연구원을 모집하고 있으며, 이메일(로 지원 바랍니다.


August 1, 2024
Junseong and Dr. Ong have joined the group as our newest graduate student and postdoctoral fellow, respectively. Welcome aboard!

May 31, 2024
Our talented undergraduate, Jiseok, received the poster presentation award in Chemistry at SNU. Congratulations! 

February 1, 2024
We are happy to be joined by two new graduate students, Jason, Youngeun(Song) this year. Welcome aboard!

December 18, 2023
We are happy to welcome two new undergraduate interns in the lab. Welcome Gaeun and Meehyun!

December 1, 2023
Our talented teammate, Seongmin, received the best poster presentation award in Chemistry at SNU, supported by Samsung SDI. Congratulations! 

Augest 28, 2023
So Yeon, Changkyu and Morgan have joined the Hong group as the newest graduate students to explore new academic journey. Welcome aboard!

Augest 18, 2023
A warm welcome to Woojin, Seongmin, Junseong and Jihye, the newest undergraduate researchers!

April 26, 2023
Our lab renovation is finally complete. Now, our new lab is on the sixth floor of chemistry building.

March 5, 2023
We are delighted to have two undergradate interns, Jason and Changkyu.

January 2, 2023
HongLab is excited to be joined by our newest graduate student and three undergraduate interns. Welcome Chaewon, Hyeok, Junhwan, So Yeon!

October 5, 2022

Youngeun has joined the group as our newest graduate student after graduating from Ewha Womans University. Welcome!

September 13, 2022
We are excited to welcome our newest undergraduate intern, Sung Uk Kwon!

September 1, 2022
We are happy to be joined by Yunhyeong as the very first graduate student. Welcome aboard!

Augest 1, 2022
The Hong lab officially launched at SNU. We are temporarily located at 503-507. Please join our team!

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