Our Team
Meet the young & active research group
Seung Youn Hong
Postdoctoral Researchers & Lab administrator
Mike Ong
Hyeyun Byun
Lab administrator
Graduate Students
Yunhyung Cho
Youngeun Hong
Chaewon Kim
So Yeon An
Changkyu Park
Morgan Kim
Jason Kim
Youngeun Song
Junseong Jang
Woojin Lee
Undergraduate Students
Junhwan Won
Undergraduate Intern (2022/12~)
SNU Chemistry
Hyunji Lee
Undergraduate Intern (2023/06~)
SNU Chemistry
Gaeun Sun
Undergraduate Intern (2023/12~)
SNU Economics and Chemistry
Myeongjin Shin
Undergraduate Intern (2024/12~)
SNU Chemistry
Gyeonghun Jeong
Undergraduate Intern (2024/12~)
SNU Chemistry
Hyunsoo Kang
Undergraduate Intern (2024/12~)
SNU College of Chemistry Education
Hyundong Noh
Undergraduate Intern (2024/12~)
SNU College of Pharmacy
---------------------------- Open positions ---------------------------
Postdoc Fellows
We`re currently looking for postdoc who will be joining our lab at the end of this year.
Graduate Students
The Hong group aims to recruit 1-3 graduate students every year.
Undergraduate Students
We always recruit undergraduate students who are interested in organic chemistry for internship programs.